Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy
- Peak Performance International Trainer and Coach has achieved excellence in Life, Wealth and Business with 24 years of experience
- Double Doctorate Awardee in Education & English. Has empowered individuals and organizations with a highly acclaimed Signature Program.
- Conducted 1000’s of Workshop in National and International Forums impacting many diverse profiled audiences.
- Key Note Speaker in the World Forums, Ex – President of Toast Master International Club and Mentor & Member of FICCI Flo.
- Her passion and purpose is making huge difference in people’s life through La Winspire services.
- Education
M.A., M.Sc., Med, MPhil, PHD
- Areas of Specialisation
Business Owners, Women Entrepreneur, Relationships , Emotional Mastery , Team Productivity , Coaching and Counselling Services, Wealth Mastery, Mental and psychological health services

How It Works
Next, make sure you find a course that’s right for you. You probably have a set of requirements for the course — you’d like to cover certain topics, you prefer a particular teaching style, or you want to have a certain format for the course content. If you’re able to find a course that fits the goal you set for yourself, you’ll be more motivated to complete it.
Once you’ve selected your course, it’s important to think about when you’ll take it. Consider how much time you have available to spend watching lectures and doing practice activities. It’s a good idea to start with something manageable and increase from there. For example, start with 20–30 minutes once a week and then add on another session or more time from there. Align these sessions with the action steps you identified when you set your goal. Workplace productivity coach Melissa Gratias is an advocate of “microproductivity” or focusing on one small task at a time.Summary Results
Plus, if you start with an unrealistic goal, you are likely to get discouraged and lose your motivation. Be realistic with the time you have to devote to online learning and choose a schedule that you know you can commit to. Research into the psychology of goal-setting backs this up: Being specific about your goals and setting ones that are challenging but not impossible can lead to high performance. Another trick is to block learning time on your calendar and make sure you don’t ignore it. Once you’ve selected your course, it’s important to think about when you’ll take it.